$27.84NO BRAINER You've likely heard of matcha and sencha, and know that they're a type of green tea, but you may not know how they differ (as it turns out, quite a bit!). Here, let us help you iron out the fundamentals between these two. Sencha = loose tea, matcha = powdered. Now Sencha originates from a green tea plant AND Sencha is made from the stem, shoot, and two or three opened leaves of the green tea plant. This is then steamed, pressed and dried. Okay thats a little too much info for one day, lets get down to business. Sencha is rich with rich in antioxidants, polyphenols, L-theanine, catechins and EGCG which are said to help lower the risk of cancer. It is also said to help with weight loss and to improve brain function. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?
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